me & titles - not friends

Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Shawn Williams 71138392 cares about me!

shawnwilliams71138392 said...

"Get any Desired College Degree, In less then 2 weeks.
Call this number now 24 hours a day 7 days a week (413) 208-3069
Get these Degrees NOW!!!
"BA", "BSc", "MA", "MSc", "MBA", "PHD",
Get everything within 2 weeks.
100% verifiable, this is a real deal
Act now you owe it to your future.
(413) 208-3069 call now 24 hours a day, 7 days a week."

Well, shit Shawn. I didn't know you cared so much about my future. It's touching really, that you would take time out of your (busy?) schedule to show concern for my educational resume. How did he know I don't have a degree?? Weird! Really, it's a beautiful thing to see humans reach to one another. *sigh*

I'm all verklempt.. talk amongst yourselves....

Friday, April 14, 2006

Oh Mike

OK, so Mike answered and had these words of wisdom to contribute:

"Mike0ne said...
My advice is predictable. You should always be ridiculously nice to everyone you're lucky enough to spent time with. Friends and memories are precious. Pretend you remember them, and recite some kind of generic fond memory to make them feel loved and accepted. God bless."

You had me at hello... you had me at hello.

Oh wait, you didn't say hello. But you did say god bless, and I maybe would have believed it had it not been for that last sentence. TOO FUNNY!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Again, pretend it is flashing and doing other funky things. Wow, it's been over a year since I started this blog. Neglected it a little but what can you do. Actually, YOU can do nothing! It's all about me.
Didn't have as much to say as I thought I did! Weird.

Friday, March 17, 2006


So, it's Roll up the Rim to Win time again at Canada's favorite coffee shop! I've already won two 'free' coffees! Woo hoo! How is it we humans will buy anything to get something free? What is wrong with our brains that we can't compute simple math? Here is what we think:

20 coffees ($29.00) - 1 coffee won (maybe) = DEAL!!!

What's funny is that we probably would not have bought those coffees if it weren't for the prospect of winning. Now there are the people that will say, I buy coffee everyday anyway so for me it is nice to have the option of winning something. I say to them: you are spending over $500/year on coffee alone!! OMG!

What's even funnier is I am one of the people who normally make coffee at the office or home but when the contest is on, I buy the coffee so I have a chance to win something! Ya, I just yelled at myself.. haha. Here's my math:

20 coffees not budgeted for - 2 'free' coffees = I won 2 free coffees! woo hoo!

It's all relative! (no, I am not related to Tim)

Ahh.. whoever thought up this idea of blogging deserves a pat on the back! How would I get anybody to listen to me otherwise? If I tried to have a conversation about this with someone, they would have walked away after the second sentence! I would have been "woohooing" to myself! But you suckers will read the whole thing, to the end. No matter what it says... even if it boring as hell! See.. you're still reading. In fact, I probably just got you to re-read some of it because you had to see what the first 2 sentences were and if the "woo hoo" was after the second sentence. Humans.. so predictable!

P.S. Still going strong.. this guy is friggin hilarious!

Just when you thought we were done...

And now for something completely different...

I've been thinking (ack!)... There have been a few occassions where I am shopping or whatever and someone will recognize me and come over to talk to me. They proceed to ask me what's new and tell me all about their life since we last talked. It's all small talk and usually bores me to death. Then we part ways and I can imagine they are thinking "boy, it was nice running into Janice". While, I am thinking "who the hell was that??"

I have no memory when it comes to that! How can I spend 4 years or more in school with someone and not even have an idea of who they are when I see them?? It's crazy! I usually have to ask Karen (she's usually right beside me when it happens) who it was and she spends the next 10 minutes trying to jog my memory with all kinds of stories. I don't get it.

So, since I know how my minds works (or doesn't as the case may be) I always try not to assume that people know who I am. I will always re-introduce myself or if I call someone on the phone, I will identify myself. A lot of people are like 'uh, ya, i know who you are.' But I don't like to assume. Then I was thinking, am I insulting people when I make that assumption? Should I be altering my actions based on my own re-actions? Should I even be taking others into consideration? Do I care if they remember me(obviouslyI do) but should I? Should I care if I am insulting them? So many questions!

I think I need Mike's opinion on this one. Mike, I am turning my blog over to you for this one, if you care! lol

That's all I will subject you to today... but you'll be back!

Thursday, March 16, 2006

I forgot about my blog

Didn't take me long, did it... to forget to write in my blog. It's kinda like joining a gym. "I'm gonna go EVERY DAY!" You go 5 times and then life gets in the way.

Pop quiz time: who said "Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans."

Life got in the way of my blog! Luckily, it didn't cost me a thing! Go me!

Sooo.. what's new with Janice, you may ask? Or you may not.. if not, you can stop reading because I will now answer that question. Well, since the last episode... I have inhabited my own apartment! Fun! It's all mine and I am loving it! I believe I can speak for the kids as well when I say that we feel like it's 'home'. Spike (our cat) is not too impressed with the lack carpet but I am sure he will get over it. (Plus I let him scratch in the hallway!! teehee).

I'm feeling pressured again.. trying to think of something witty to say.. I wish I was smarter! lol

Oh, my new FAVE! Happy Bunny! I love Happy Bunny!! If you want to check out Happy Bunny (repetition is the key) goto (ohh look at me the computer programmer! I think you have to be old to get that joke) and no, I don't get commission.

That's it for today!

I love everybody except you pinheads!

Thursday, May 12, 2005

my baby's 1st Birthday!!!

Ahhh... wow.... it seems like just last year that I was cradling my brand new baby!!! Oh wait.. it was. :) I can't believe it... it feels like just yesterday and yet it feels like a lifetiime ago! She is so amazing! I was watching her today and thinking...'she was in me! I grew her!" Unless you have kids, I don't think you can imagine the feeling. In fact, I think only women understand it cause Jay was just like 'uh, ya! where do you think she came from?!'


(there's your mention Jay... treasure it cause it's the only one!)

can't think of much to say..... until next time... play safe, play smart!

Friday, May 06, 2005

Wow... I am crying from laughing

"ChrisM said...

Alright... I finally went to

Holy crap is that ever funny.

Read a bunch to get the hang of his humour, and then read this one:

Serious funny shit.

P.S. Notice how my link works! :>"

OK, you are forgiven for the smart ass comment because I am crying from laughing so hard! OMG, that deserves a whole blog post to itself.


Advice from Karen

Alright, enough with the big words... nobody likes tests:) And like Chris always told me, "Never use a large word where a diminutive one will suffice". That's all I have to say on that matter...

On to the next... matter that is...

matter... that's a funny word if you say it too much.

Mother's day is coming up... so HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY MOM and to all the other moms that I know!!!! Wow, moms are great! And I am now a priveledged member of that group. It's like getting a promotion at work. People think I have some authority even if I am not their mother. And people (my kids) do what I tell them. And I get a whole other day of presents! Oh wait.. that's not like work... but it should be!

Who was it who said that editing your work while you are writing is just a form of stalling? Karen?? I think Karen will remember... it was either John Steinbeck or William Faulkner. This popped into my head because Karen has 'Winter of Our Discontent' by John Steinbeck in her book list. Which is just about the best book ever written, FYI. If you haven't read it.. go do it... now. See, you have to listen to me, cause I am a mom!! (note the clever link to the last paragraph... now there's good writing!!)

If you haven't guessed, my mind is off this evening. Or I can't think of something clever to say and I am just rambling on until the wittiness comes out. Or maybe I should give up and try again tomorrow? All for, say 'Aye'.

Spell check it!

Friday, April 15, 2005

Plethora, now there is a good word

Finally, some great comments! Plus one kinda eerie one:

"BeckoningChasm said...

Let me unroll this official looking scroll, here. Hang on.

Ahem. "I acknowledge your existence."

Now, I'm off to frame the scroll...for murder!"

hrrmmm... I was reading this guys blog and he has a super funny (right up my alley, can't guarantee it will be your ally too) link, so I will add it. ... wish I knew how to make it a link but you guys are smart and I have full confidence you will figure it out.

I also got some flack from Mike (figures). Apparently, he likens me to toilet paper. This is also where today's title fits in. My word is WAY better!

And the ever reliable comment from Chris:

" I'm the only one that reads this... you may as well just email me directly..."

Haha.. very funny. Though, his comment is the only thing that finally prompted others to comment!

Anyway... It is my mom's birthday today.. so


(pretend it is blinking or doing something really cool!)

I also got some feedback about posting pics of my rug stains.. seems it is a pretty bad idea for many reasons. So I will just send them out to people who want them.

Homework Time!!

Okay,so everyone who reads this has to use either of these words in a sentence:

Gimmicky or Plethora

You get bonus points if you can use both!!

There will be a prize.. it will be judged on cleverness, so get thinking!!
